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Innovation Workshops

You Ideate, We Create.

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Innovation Workshops
Brainstorming Facilitation Training

Let’s start with the obvious, what do you understand when you see the words “innovation workshop”? Brainstorming new ideas? A big fat NO. Innovation workshop simply translates to facilitating ideas using new, or already available technologies, and tested methods to reach the goal. Simply put, innovation workshops for organizations include the methodology in which our experts will teach you how to reach the goal using the tools you have in hand most creatively.

Our workshop sessions will deliver you key learnings that we have amassed over the years after trying our hands in various industries so that you reach your goal without making any mistakes. Our workshop aims to teach you how to engage, collaborate, explore, and finally act upon the organizational culture of innovation so that your true potential can be curated.

How Does Innovation Workshop Help You?

The innovation workshop, also known as the design-thinking workshop signifies sessions where all the stakeholders or team members of a particular organization will come together to brainstorm a new solution to a specific problem.

By holding an innovation workshop, you will essentially lead competent people to come up with unique solutions. The workshop facilitators will create a schedule and set of tasks that allow you to come up with new concepts in an engaging way to reach the goal.

The innovation workshop will prompt you to think critically and analytically, charging you with the ability to approach difficulties in an innovative way tailored to the client's specific needs.

brainstorming facilitation training in bangalore

What Do You Get Out of the Workshop?

A well-thought-out innovation workshop will allow you to adapt to the specific needs of the client. Moreover, it will help you in adjusting to the specific problem and tailor a solution that can yield suitable results. With the help of the workshop, you will get to,

  • Discuss your specific project's goal and challenges.
  • Immerse the team members in the problem atmosphere and review the statistics, the reach of the customers, and other materials that may prove to be relevant to your project.
  • Determine which areas are promising.
  • Learn how to collaborate with other team members so that coming up with fresh ideas together can come naturally.
  • Finding an idea based on desirability, viability, and feasibility.
  • Create a roadmap and find the next stage.
  • Make quick prototypes of the possible solution that you can use to convince the respective client.

When to Consider Innovation Workshop?

While there are many opportunities to bring a group together for one invention workshop, you will rarely get the right opportunity to create an environment best suited to yield positive results. Following are the signs that signify you must consider conducting a workshop.

  • If you are just getting started on a new project or an initiative. The workshop can get the project off on the right path by ensuring that all the involved key players can achieve the goal collectively and according to the client's requirements.
  • If your project has reached a roadblock or your team is facing an issue with creative thinking, you must conduct an innovative workshop. A session on such a workshop will help you refocus and find methods that will work out well.
  • There comes a time when all of us need to change the methods of doing a task, improve, or alter the existing product. In such times, the innovation workshop can work miraculously. It will reveal all of the potential next steps forward to assist you in identifying the way ahead.
Innovation Workshops in bangalore

Grow Your Business With Us

Build the skills, mindset, and action needed to launch a focused and strategic entrepreneurial innovation with us. The step-by-step process shared in our workshop will help you overcome your challenges and develop a mindset that will inspire critical thinking.

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We are a Bangalore based Product Development and UX firm specialising in Digital Services for the whole spectrum, from startups to fortune-500s. We do not redefine anything or reinvent the wheel.

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