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Captive Unit Company

"I think a lot of businesses do things because they've always done them that way, and a lot of people do things because they're trying to be disruptive without really understanding what they're disrupting or why they're disrupting it. So, I think if we can make sure that the disruption is meaningful, I think that's where captive units will shine."

- Sundar Pichai

Captive Unit Company

Captive Unit Meaning

In the world of business, a captive unit is a subsidiary or division of a larger business that is fully owned by the parent company yet functions independently. It functions as an independent division within the corporate structure, concentrating on specific responsibilities or offerings that are only available to the main business. The structure improves efficiency and maintains alignment with overarching corporate objectives by enabling the parent company to retain control, cost-effectiveness, and quality standards over the services rendered.

Captive Unit

Introducing Appiness Services, the premier destination for innovative solutions for all things digital. In today's competitive corporate environment, the idea of captive units companies has become a strategic tool to improve performance and streamline operations as companies aim for efficiency and quality. At Appiness, we're experts at creating and overseeing captive units that are customised to fulfil your particular customer service needs, giving your business more control, effectiveness, and financial stability. Together, let's explore how to fully utilise captive units to propel your company towards long-term success and growth.

Our Vast Selection of Services

Appiness's Captive Unit is a digital success catalyst, not just a tool for development. To create specialised solutions across sectors, we bring together experienced engineers, state-of-the-art technology, and reliable processes. 

Product Engineering & Development

Product Engineering & Development

We create successful products, ranging from hybrid solutions to online and mobile apps.

Digital Innovation & Consulting

Digital Innovation & Consulting

Benefit from our knowledge in blockchain, AI/ML, new technologies, and more.

Startup Support

Startup Support

With focused product development, GTM planning, and brand management, quicken your pace of development.

Business Transformation

Business Transformation

Facilitate data-driven growth, modernise apps, and streamline operations.

Global Capability Centers

Our Expertise

Full-stack development

This includes Backend (Node, Python), Mobile (React Native, Native), Web (React, Angular, Vue), and APIs & Microservices.

UX/UI Design

Create captivating and user-friendly experiences for all platforms.

Strategic Consulting

Develop effective digital strategies with the help of professional advice and a developed roadmap.

Marketing & Analytics

Leverage data analysis, SMO, and SEO to maximise your online presence and gauge its impact.

We're Your Partner in Many Ways Than Just Services:

Appy Hours Appy Hours

Through our distinctive innovation workshops, we promote teamwork and learning.

Resource Augmentation Resource Augmentation

On-demand hire experienced developers and designers to cover talent shortages.

Committed Expertise

Organise an enthusiastic team that is well-versed in every aspect of your company.

Experience the Appiness Difference

Agile & cooperative

We collaborate closely with you, changing to meet your transforming requirements.


We propose the solution that best suits your project, not only what we find comfortable.


Get professional resources without having to invest in hiring a staff of your own.

Ally with Appiness and unlatch the full budding of your digital journey with our captive unit's unfaltering commitment to excellence and innovation. Get in touch with us right now!

How We Work: Captive Unit

At Appiness, we support personalised approaches that enable companies to prosper. Our strategy makes use of captive units to offer specialised services that are only accessible to your company. This is how it operates:

Personalised Solutions


Personalised Solutions

We set up a captive unit exclusively for your business, offering personalised solutions that meet your unique requirements and goals.

Smooth Integration

Our captive units become an essential component of your organisational structure while retaining their autonomy, smoothly integrating with your current operations.


Smooth Integration
Quality Control


Quality Control

We maintain strict quality control methods that consistently deliver outstanding results, under the close supervision of your management team and our specialists.


Our captive units provide cost-effective solutions without compromising quality or efficiency by eliminating the demand for third parties.


Security and confidentiality


Security and Confidentiality

You can be sure that your captive unit's walls will safeguard your proprietary information and sensitive data, which will improve security and secrecy.

Scalability and Flexibility

Our captive units provide scalability and flexibility for adapting to your evolving requirements, whether you need more resources or to scale down operations.


Scalability and Flexibility

Grow Your Business With Us

With Appiness, clients can capitalize on the strength of global teams because of our novel "pay-as-you-grow" subscription approach. We offer complete assistance with locating, employing, and retaining outstanding employees through our GCC-as-a-service solution. Our customizable workstations with integrated digital marketing solutions ensure smooth operations. In addition, we prioritize operational excellence, governance, and compliance to provide our clients peace of mind. Appiness effectively establishes and maintains the Global Capability Centers (GCC) with our tried-and-true three-phase deployment approach.

How We Shape Our Services

Strategic Consulting


Use cross-functional design workshops to collaborate with customers to develop and carry out requirements.

Strategic Consulting

Provide expert guidance on how to set up the GCC and ensure that best practices are followed.

GCC Playbook

Develop a thorough guide that includes a structured project plan, activity lists, and a summary of all the important decisions.

Talent Intelligence

Establish a hiring strategy that is in line with business requirements and the employee value proposition by analysing the current talent landscape and international outsourcing relationships.

Join us to discover the endless opportunities for expanding your company internationally.

About Us

We are a Bangalore based Product Development and UX firm specialising in Digital Services for the whole spectrum, from startups to fortune-500s. We do not redefine anything or reinvent the wheel.

About Appiness

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